Home for Thanksgiving

It’s just a regular old Thursday in the rest of the world, but today is a great holiday in the U.S. I can practically smell the turkeys roasting all the way from Singapore. Thanksgiving might be my favorite holiday, and being away from home I will certainly miss the feast, the fun, the football and, most of all, the family. I went out today to explore the neighborhood and ended up photographing a lot of doors and windows — front, back, side, up, down, open and shut, all conjuring the concept of HOME. We go home, leave home, return home, move home, think of home, miss home, lose home, find home, call home and write home. Home is universal, something every single human being has a notion of — whether it’s the country, city, town, village, house or family from where he or she comes. So today, here is home in structure and symbolism, around my home in Singapore: old, new, big, small, cared for, forgotten, loved or abandoned but home to some one at some time in some way. If these doors and windows could talk… oh, the stories of home they’d tell. Happy Thanksgiving! I hope you’re at home wherever you are.


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