Friday Fortune

Kau Chim

Kau Chim

April 2nd, 2021

Today we’re making a brief stop in Hong Kong to learn about Kau Chim, or lottery poetry.

In this Chinese tradition, you kneel at the temple and shake a bamboo cup of numbered sticks until a single stick jumps out. You take that numbered stick and retrieve the corresponding poem or ask the “fortune teller” on site to tell you what it means. We did the latter and lost $40 USD while being told J’s luck was great and mine was terrible!

You can try it virtually yourself. Go to this website, click on the picture of the cup and your stick will appear. Click on the stick and your fortune for the day appears on the next page.

Good luck and happy weekend!

More tomorrow,

Post of the Day: Adding a bit of light to the darkness as we get through the pandemic together. This series features travel photos from my archives, shared with you while staying close to home.

Kau Chim

Kau Chim


  • Very interesting, as is the site. I drew a stick first time and it told I would make a fortune on business started today. I refreshed and drew again an it told me any business i am going to start had rather wait 🙂
    That said, this looks interesting and would make a great souvenir from travel, with associated memories…


  • Once again I note your great curiosity and respect for the customs of the countries you visit, although in this case a little irony creeps into the description. Guessing the future; mastering uncertainty are common attitudes, it is the way of doing it that can be interesting to observe from one country to another. Thank you for this experience.


  • Mmmm. Mine told me to make a wish and focus on it. My fortune was that I would get my wish. Fun adventures are ahead, Kelly. 🙂 –Curt


  • Mine promised me great things if I abstain from liquor (fine, if beer and wine are not included in that!) and then said the outcome of my wish depended on me (too much work!). The stick had one of my favorite numbers on it … a good sign?


  • I loved how you included a link so I can take a chance on getting a positive fortune. But even more so, I’d love to return to China and see this tradition for real. How interesting!


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